sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

"Hakuna Matata", from The Lion King film

Sábado, día musical... Hoy os traigo una canción muy conocida, pues es de la película El Rey León que seguro todos habréis visto, y que ahora se puede ver en 3D en los cines... Empezad pues el día con ritmo escuchando "Hakuna Matata"...

Por cierto, ¿qué significa para vosotros Hakuna Matata"? Comentad...

5 comentarios:

  1. I like this song and is very happy and I think Hakuna Matata means "no hay problema "

  2. This song is the soundtrack of the film The Lion King which was my favourite film when I was a baby.
    In my opinion Hakuna Matata means "fuera preocupaciones, no te preocupes"

  3. This song is one of my fauvorites when I was a little. I saw that film lot of times.
    For me Hakuna Matata means: No te preucopes.

  4. I love this song because it´s very happy and it helps you to start the day with energy.
    Hakuna Matata means: Don't worry, there aren't any problem.

  5. I love this song because it's very happy
