miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

"You'll be in my heart", by Phil Collins

Enjoy and sing this song from the film "Tarzan"... I want you to write in the comments below the sentence you like most from the song, and its meaning (escribid en los comentarios la frase que más os gusta de la canción, y su significado).

10 comentarios:

  1. The song is very beautiful. The sentence that I like is " I will be here " ( Yo estaré aquí ) and You'll be here in my heart ( Estarás en mi corazón. )

  2. All the sentences of this song are very nice. I specially likes this:
    "I will protect you" ( yo te protegeré)
    "I'll be there always" (voy a estar siempre)

  3. "when destiny calls you must be strong"(Cuando el destino te llama tienes que ser fuerte)
    I like it

  4. ''Cause you'' ''ll be in my heart''.(Porque tú estarás en mi corazón)
    I love this song,it's very cool.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  6. What I liked about the song was the phrase: In my heart live.Because is the title of the song.

  7. I like this phrase: I will protect you from all around you.(Te protegeré de todo lo que hay a tu alrededor)

  8. I like this song. It´s very beautiful. The prhase that I like, is: For one so small, you seem so strong (Para ser tan pequeño eres muy fuerte).

  9. I don´t like this song.

  10. My favourite sentence is: I will protect you (yo te protegeré)
