lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Phineas & Ferb Game: Escape from Mole-tropolis

Jugando en inglés también es una buena manera de aprender... Lee las instrucciones, fija palabras, entiende la historia que proponen... Anota en los comentarios tu puntuación y di si te ha gustado el juego y qué palabras has aprendido... Have Fun!!

Phineas and Ferb in Escape from Mole-tropolis

Instructions: Stay away from the creepy moles! Use A and D to run. Use W and S to climb ladders. Collect diamonds and notice the diamond holder because when it gets full, you need to high-tail it back to the drilling machine. Use the S key for that. Collect fossils for bonus points. Collect 5 bones in each level and build a dinosaur!

There are also power-ups to help you on your journey! Get the mole-man MP3 and earn twice as many points while the music is playing! Collect the lanters and press SPACE to stun the moles!

Good luck!

Click here to play:

11 comentarios:

  1. I like this game, is very funny. I played it and my points were 24.450.

  2. I love this game because it's fun

  3. This game is amazing is very enterteining

  4. It´s a game very funny. Mi points were 29.850

  5. This game is very fun. I love this

  6. I like game and my points were 26.100

  7. I liked the game. There are three words that. I've learn are: Terra-drill, drilling and should. My points where 28.400

  8. I love this game, it's cool. My points were 30.950

  9. The game is good . my points were 27.000

  10. I like the game and my points were 26.300
