jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Simple Past & Famous People

Ejercicio sobre personajes bastante famosos y conocidos. Nos servirá para repasar el pasado simple (sólo verbos regulares) que hemos visto en clase.

Usad el diccionario si hay alguna palabra que no conocéis. ¡Y comentad vuestros resultados!

10 comentarios:

  1. Is an activity difficult, because I did not understand many words. But with a little help I have hit all.

  2. Hello!!!
    At the end, I did. But I had to look for some characters who I didn't know.
    This exercie has heped me to review and learn.

  3. This activity is difficult. I didn't know any people
    I needed a little help.

  4. it´s the dificult activity,I learned new words and the important people

  5. This activity is very difficult. I have a hard time but finally I did it.

  6. it's the dificult activity, and with a little help I have done all.

  7. It´s very difficult. But this activity helped me to learn the regular verbs.

  8. This activity is difficult. But now I have learned more regular verbs

  9. This activity it´s difficult because I don´t know
    the name of the characters.
